Friday, February 27, 2009

On the go

Trying to workout
This week has been difficult. I am on a business trip and I had to skip my tuesday and thursday workouts because of having to wake up early, take planes, work, bla bla bla...
I managed to workout on Wednesday. I did my shoulders and arms with the resistance bands that I brought with me. I really enjoyed it, and in a way I feel I worked out more than with the weights last week. I am switching workouts due to time/tools constraints. I will do kenpo today instead of tomorrow and when I am at home tomorrow and have my pull up bar, I will do legs and back (and also my husband will be there to help me :) )
Doing this on the go is not easy, but it is better than doing nothing. That's the advantage of an home exercise program over going to a gym and workout.

Diet on the go
As far as diet... HORRIBLE, when you have to eat out every day it is difficult to avoid carbohidrates. Even when you order just a salad, they give it to you with a salad dressing that it is at least 150 calories, then they give you a side of bread etc. I like pasta, so it is hard for me to say no to it, so as far as diet goes... no diet this week. :(
I am tired, but I'll try my best.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Day 5: Legs and Back (pull ups... what a mess)

Quickly.... from trying last week to bringing it this week...
I did ALL the Legs and squats on the DVD and tried the back exercises.
I purchased the Iron Gym for my pull ups.
I have never done or attempted to do pull ups in my entire life. Just the manly pics on the box gives you the message of: "women, stay away..."
It took me 10 min to put it together once i figured out how the screws went, and it was really easy to install.
I couldn't even do 2 pull ups on each position, and by the end of the routine, I was only doing 1/2 pull up... I think this is pretty bad, but my husband says it is pretty good for someone who has never done it in her life.
Ab ripper X... getting better! I can do it all, but not quite perfect.
So well, that's the update.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thinking... deciding... doing it... bringing it!


For several months I've been complaining of how out or shape I've been. I was at the University and that allowed me to go to the gym and to walk around campus here and there keeping me more or less active. After I gradued and got married all that physical activity just stopped and I found myself gaining and gaining weight week after week, feeling heavier, not fitting in my clothes and not happy about my health. I heard from some MALE friends some comments last August 2007 about P90x, as being the "besth home fitness workout there is out there"... but also how HARD it is, even for MEN. I also heard that the results were amazing, but it was hard work.
To make a lot story short, thinking, researching and finding out all the information about P90x took me 5 months, trying to convince myself that women could also do it and that I could do it!

First I learned that WOMEN can do it, after watching some videos of regular women like me, not really sports girls, were doing it and getting results.
I think my final decision of getting started was after I watched the videos from Angelee (angeleedesign). She makes great reviews of P90x and other work outs that were candidates for me to select from, and she has done it, and survided it!
Then, finally I decided start together with Shaun (ShaunZila) on February 18th, 2009, so we could motivate each other and keep track of our progress. It is working very well.

Doing it...
Before Feb 18th I tried some of the videos for a little bit (did Cardio 90%, Yoga 40%, Ab ripper X 50% and Legs and Back 50%). I can't say enough IN HOW MUCH PAIN I was all last week. I was walking funny, moving funny and it was BAAD. From that I learned that P90X was HAAAARRD and that I was in VERY BAD SHAPE... but I decided to move on and get started on Feb 18 with ShaunZila, and not give up without even starting.... (believe me, I thought about it because I DON'T LIKE PAIN).

Bringing it!
Well, Feb 18th was the date! It all started with my Core synergistics work out... Surprisingly I could do 90% of it this time.
Tuesday: Cardio X... my favorite so far, 99% THUMBS UP!
Wednesday: Shoulders and Arms/ Abripper 100% (as compared to 30% last week)
Thursday: Yoga X... let me tell you... the first 40 min are a killer, and when you think you are going to die right there, you start the second part that is more about balance, so it is not so bad. Still working on improving yoga, today 90%)
But now I am definetly bringing it!, I am happy, I feel great, waking up in the morning is not so hard, and I can anticipate this is going to be a great experience.

So WOMEN.... P90X is also for us...